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바라나스 4중 압박 손목보호대

Product Detail

Product Name
: Muro Baranas Quadra Press Wrist Brace

Color : Blue Green

Product Include : 2EA

Product Size
: 8.5cm/8cm(Top/Bottom) x 15cm 208

: Nylon 65% Latex 35%

Country of Origin : Made in China

Sales Company
: WBSKIN Co, Ltd 7f, Yeongdong-daero 312, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(CS Center +82 70 4676 3510)

Marked the production date separately.

배송비포함 : 7,900 원

실착시 효과 있는지 의심스러웠지만
한쪽 손목에만 착용시, 효과 있다고 느껴짐

재구매?? 아직 모름
주위추천?? 아직 모름